Title Die neue Harfe, Harfenschule (chromatisch ohne Pedale) = La nouvelle harpe, méthode pour la harpe chromatique (sans pédales)
Author Hilpert, Bruno
Place Bruxelles
Publisher Schott Frères
Year [1900?]
Plate S.F. 5331
Physical Description 67 p.
Language French; German
Type of Harp "Chromatique" Harp
Target Audience Teenagers (12-18 years)
Speed of Progression Fast
Structure of Method Chapters on the fundamental techniques of the harp
Type of Illustrations Drawings
Style of Music Classical
Musical Structure Exerices; Pieces
Elements of harmonical Theory No
Introduction 1
Position of the Harp 2
Elements of Musical Theory  
Beginning with 1 finger  
Beginning with 2 fingers  
Beginning with 3 fingers 3
Beginning with 4 fingers 4
Intervals 12
Chords, 3 fingers  
Chords, 4 fingers 6
Pedals / Levers  
Glissando 8
Harmonics 9
Scales 5
Slides 7
Trills, Tremolos, Bisbigliandi, Ornaments 11
Muffled Sounds 10
" Purely technical exercises, studies of dexterity and scales, melodic lessons lead gradually the pupil to the main purpose at which he has to aim. "
Begin with exercices in 3 fingers on a chord and its reversals
Specific Exercises in the chromatic harp: work on the alterations, the chromatic scale
Chapter with the explanations of the technical novelty in alternation with a series of exercise to assimilate a new tonality
Many exercises and very original pieces such as Parsifal de Wagner, the magic flute of Mozart