Title Harfenschule für Anfänger
Author Hippe, Katharina
Place [s.l.]
Publisher EMH
Year 2002
Plate ARPA 03-88
Physical Description 88 p.
Language German
Type of Harp Lever Harp
Target Audience Children (6-12 years)
Speed of Progression Slow
Structure of Method Chapters on the fundamental techniques of the harp
Type of Illustrations Photos
Style of Music Classical; Songs
Musical Structure Exerices; Pieces
Elements of harmonical Theory No
Introduction 1
Position of the Harp  
Elements of Musical Theory 2
Beginning with 1 finger 3
Beginning with 2 fingers 5
Beginning with 3 fingers 7
Beginning with 4 fingers 8
Intervals 4
Chords, 3 fingers 6
Chords, 4 fingers 11
Pedals / Levers  
Harmonics 13
Scales 9
Slides 10
Arpeggios 14
Trills, Tremolos, Bisbigliandi, Ornaments  
Muffled Sounds 12
Give to beginners (adults or children) the bases of musical theory connected with the technics of the harp so that i twill be possible to play the pieces of the method.
Alternation between elements of musical theory and learning of the harp
Divided into chapter on a point of the technique of harp
For every new technical element, several exercises and pieces are proposed
Rather slow progress at the beginning, but with complicated elements which are quickly inserted (rhythmically, dissociation).
Very rich in small easy pieces which illustrate the technical chapter; some inspired by songs or by folklore are very well realized
Some duet with another harp or melodic instrument, trio
Regularly are inserted the aspects of the history of the harp